The importance of custom web solutions has become a topic of hot debate in recent times, with one camp saying it is very crucial for business success, while the other camp denying it completely. In this blog we will try to figure out the various intricacies involved with custom web solutions and try to reach a conclusion of whether it is really needed or not.
Custom Web Design
The value of custom web design is steadily decreasing in recent years. Nowadays, emphasis is being laid on the speed and performance of a website rather than its appearance. Website design has become increasingly minimalistic in order to adapt to smaller mobile screens and to load in the fastest time possible. Lightweight load times are being advocated for all kinds of websites to give users a better user experience.
In such a scenario, in my opinion, there isn’t much value of paying for a custom design when open source platforms can do the same thing at cheaper costs. The only exception is if your company is a big scale corporation with the highest branding standards which require a specific customized design pertinent solely to your company.
Custom Web Development
Modern open source content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and the like are very powerful, with loads of varied features. They make the creation of a website incredibly fast and easy. However, the capabilities of such open source content management systems are limited to a set of pre-built web tools that you can, and must, use to integrate various functionalities into your website.
The need for custom web development arises when your business needs a specific functionality that you cannot find with any open source CMS. In such a scenario, you need a custom web development company that can build the respective tool for you.
All in all, if your business fits into the common mould of businesses that require a website with functionalities and features that people commonly use, open source development will serve you fine. However, if you require specific functionalities for your website that cannot be found with open source platforms, a custom built CMS is the way to go forward.
Custom Back-end Programming
Although a part of web development, I am treating back-end programming as a separate entity. Unlike the front-end of a website, which deals mostly with functions that users can see and interact with, back-end programming is actually the driving force behind the website. You could call it the backbone of any website.
There is absolutely not even a smidgen of doubt that custom back-end programming is the one to opt for if you want a perfectly optimized website. By making use of custom back-end programming, you can integrate in-house data systems and modules, keep this data in sync and add all kinds of dynamic elements to your website.
In other words, you can tailor the website exactly the way you want to. Highly experienced programmers are needed to perfectly plan and execute solutions that work for you. Ultimately, no open source platform can compare to custom back-end programming.
In the end, it is totally your choice whether you opt for custom web solutions or not. If you think that your business website needs a unique and personal touch, go for custom website development by all means. On the other hand, if your business is of such a nature that open source development will work for you, then go for it instead. The choice is completely yours.
If you need any help to figure out what’s right for you, get in touch with iDreamBiz. We’ll be glad to help you in every manner possible.